IPE’s 2025 Investment Grade Credit Survey covers 55 managers with a total of €3.6trn in assets managed in investment-grade credit strategies globaly.
This summary, collected from leading global managers specialising in credit, includes our European institutional league table with aggregate mandates by asset manager from European pension funds and insurance companies. See below for details on how to access the full data set or follow the QR code on this page.
Globally, the 55 leading managers in our survey manage €3.6trn in investment-grade credit strategies, of which over a third (€1.28trn) is managed on behalf of European institutional clients.
Segregated accounts dominate, with €1.63trn, followed by pooled funds at €943bn. Major players include AXA IM (€166.9bn), Generali Investments (€165.5bn), and Aviva Investors (€106.1bn).
Access the full dataset
This summary shows headline data. The full dataset includes detailed strategy level data and information and is available to subscribers at ipe.com/research. To subscribe to IPE visit ipe.com/membership and for further information about the research or to participate in future surveys, contact dominic.gane@ipe.com
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