All articles by Richard Newell – Page 2
IP Asia
Asian private equity markets have shown their resilience
According to Bain & Co, one-fifth of the global private equity dry powder will be allocated to the Asia-Pacific region in 2010-2012. In this report, the Swiss alternative investment consultancy SCM Strategic Capital Management has analysed private equity activity, with a particular focus on China and India.
IP Asia
Meaningful change in Asian private equity investment
Entrepreneurship has begun to take solid roots in important economies like India and China and venture capital managers have taken note.
IP Asia
Solid growth for ETFs in Asia
by Richard Newell - However, a lack of mutual recognition in Asia is holding back the development of ETF funds domiciled in the region.
IP Asia
Options for long-term saving
The Shift to DC, a white paper recently produced by State Street contains some useful information on the creative new approaches being adopted for people’s post-retirement income phase.
IP Asia
Special opportunities in China
The property market in China is going through something of a consolidation phase, after an extended bull run that he was led many to question whether it could undermine economic stability. Richard Newell finds out where the opportunities might lie.
IP Asia
Asia’s markets continue to drive the world
Asia’s economies are leading the way, forcing international investors to reconsider their overall cautious stance towards emerging equities.
IP Asia
Call for greater alignment of interests
The concept of ‘outcome oriented investing’ is now being talked about in the context of Asia’s fund management market. Several speakers at the recent Fund Forum event in Hong Kong suggested that a sea-change is occurring, and a greater alignment of interests will result. Richard Newell reports
IP Asia
How useful are performance measurement tools?
Richard Newell talks to John Fu, Senior Product Manager at J.P. Morgan Worldwide Securities Services, about the specific approaches institutional clients are adopting with regards to performance measurement.
IP Asia
How to make the most of member choice
As Hong Kong comes closer to implementing the new Mandatory Provident Funds Schemes (Amendment) Ordinance, heralding the era of member choice, we asked Philip Tso, Head of Investment, Hong Kong for Towers Watson, for his thoughts on how this new regime will play out. We know from the experience of ...
IP Asia
Don’t try to be too smart
That is the advice of French research institute EDHEC, as it increases its activity in the Asian region. Lionel Martellini, professor of finance and scientific director of the EDHEC Risk Institute, explains the group’s attempts to develop an alternative to traditional index benchmarking.
IP Asia
A global view of the financial crisis
Pension fund heads from around the world comment on the lessons they have learnt from the GFC.
IP Asia
Lesson of the crisis for the Social Security Fund
Dai Xianglong, chairman of China’s National Council for Social Security Fund (NSSF) was a keynote speaker at the Pacific Pension Institute’s 2009 Asian Pension Fund Roundtable in Bangkok. Chairman Dai says the assets of the NSSF are expected to exceed 1 trillion RMB (approx. $150bn) within two years. He believes ...
IP Asia
New opportunities in emerging corporate bonds
Emerging market corporate bonds staged an impressive performance in 2009. T. Rowe Price has just produced a paper outlining the opportunity for institutions to diversify their bond alpha. As an asset class, emerging market corporate bonds are taking a more prominent role in fixed income portfolios, particularly as emerging market ...
IP Asia
Beyond Domestic Bias
For many years pension funds across Asia were content to focus mainly on domestic markets - with high allocations to domestic bonds and equity. This home bias proved costly for many asset owners who missed out on a global uptick in equities, especially in emerging markets. Many Japanese pension funds, ...
IP Asia
Asia’s pensions among the best and the worst
Australia and Hong Kong rank highest because the overall structures of their old age provisioning systems are quite balanced, despite setbacks to their funded systems as a result of the financial crisis.
IP Asia
Access ETFs likely to feature in 2010
Activity in the exchange traded funds market looks set increase even further this year, as the major promoters boost their product range in Asia. Although the market is still developing, with the level of marketing activity, ETFs have quickly become an integral part of the Asia-Pacific region’s financial landscape. The ...
IP Asia
Whatever happens, this is a new era for Japan
From inside and outside Japan, everyone is wondering whether the Hatoyama revolution will truly herald a new era for Japan, or if this will be just the latest in a string of false dawns.
IP Asia
A challenging time for real estate investors.
A major component of institutional portfolios, real estate has gone from being the boom asset class of recent years to being the cause of much of the distress investors now find themselves in. What does the future hold for real estate investors in Asia?
IP Asia
Darwinism meets Asset Servicing
Richard Newell looks at the dynamic shifts that have taken place in the Sibos world since last year’s event, which coincided with the collapse of Lehman Brothers
IP Asia
Sustainability by stealth
In the view of this fund manager, clients choose a manager not for its responsible investment capabilities, but because it generates excess return. Clients are skeptical of RI anyway, so there’s no point trying to sell it that way.