All articles by Robert Melia Watson – Page 15
Looking forward to a last-quarter recovery
Euroland’s equity markets are gearing up for what analysts expect will be an unhindered recovery and sustained period of growth. “Finally things are looking good for investors, especially given the continuous sensitive nature with which investors have been approaching Europe’s markets vis-à-vis risk strategies for the last 18 months or ...
Barclays agrees to pay £100m to part time workers
UK – Banking and financial services group Barclays has announced it is to pay 13,500 current and former part-time workers back-dated pensions benefits worth some £100m (€163m). The news follows HSBC’s decision to do the same for its equivalent workers after a ruling in the UK House of Lords last ...
DKW enters agency lending after Deutsche poach
UK/US/GERMANY – Investment banking group, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, part of the Allianz group, has poached three senior salesmen, Tim Smollen, David Martocci and Robert Boyd, from Deutsche Bank to help it penetrate the agency securities lending business.
Chirac promises extra €152bn for PAYG by 2020
FRANCE – Pensions reform in France has become a key element in this year’s presidential election campaign with incumbent president Jacques Chirac promising an additional €152bn by 2020 for the newly-created state reserve fund, fonds de réserve des retraites. The money will come from the privatisation of state-run companies and ...
Avon drops MLIM and Gartmore for underperformance
UK – The £1.5bn (€2.4bn) Avon Pension Fund has dropped Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM) and Gartmore from mandates worth almost £1bn (€1.6bn) for failing to achieve performance targets since they were appointed in 1997.
FIA picks Axa and Russell for $200m mandates
UK - The FIA Foundation for Automobile & Society, a UK-registered charity dealing with road safety and environmental issues, has awarded two further $100m (€114.4m) investment mandates to Axa Investment Managers and Frank Russell Company. Morley Fund Management announced earlier this week that the FIA had awarded it a ...
Second pillar to grow five-fold by 2020
EUROPE – Europe’s second pillar pensions market will grow from its current level of €3.5trn to €17trn by 2020, at the expense of the first pillar market, amid inevitable structural change and with dramatic implications for European capital markets, says Commerzbank.
CEA backs prudent man plus principle
EUROPE – Proposals by the EU to restrict pension funds’ investments in alternative asset classes such as private equity, hedge funds and derivatives could hinder the growth of the alternative investment industry in Europe, says the Comité Européen des Assurances (CEA), Europe’s insurance industry association.
Europe's top 400 manager list for 2001 published
EUROPE – Munich-based Allianz Dresdner Asset Management (ADAM), with €1,139bn under management, tops the list of Europe’s top 400 asset management firms, according to figures compiled by Investment & Pensions Europe Magazine (IPE) in its first survey of Europe’s €24trn asset management market.
FIA selects Morley for $100m global equity mandate
UK – The FIA Foundation for the Automobile & Society (FIA), a UK registered charity dealing with road safety and environmental issues, has awarded a $100m (€114.4m) global equity mandate to Morley Fund Management, the London-based independent asset manager.
Dow Jones to launch seven country Titan indices
EUROPE – New York based global index provider Dow Jones Indexes is to add seven new European indexes to its country titans family from April 12, covering France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.
State Street Corporation wins $26bn custody
GLOBAL- Credit Suisse Funds and ING Funds have appointed Boston-based State Street Corporation to provide them with full custody and administration services. The two mandates have a combined value of $26bn (€29.7bn).
Threadneedle wins first local authority mandate
UK – Threadneedle Investments, the London-based investment management arm of Zurich Financial Services, has been appointed to run a £205m (€333m) UK equity high alpha mandate by the £1.7bn (€2.8bn) Bath & North East Somerset District Council pension fund.
Beaver and Edmans join Opra board
UK – The Occupational Pensions Regulatory Authority (Opra) has appointed Wendy Beaver and Laurie Edmans as members of its board with effect from April for one year, replacing John Bowman and Sue Ward whose one-year term of office has expired.
East Riding issues RFP for £200m overseas mandate
UK – The £1.3bn (€2.1bn) East Riding of Yorkshire Pension Fund is looking for asset managers to run a £200m active overseas mandate. The pension fund is looking to appoint up to three managers to take care of the portfolio which contains European, Japanese and North American equities. Its current ...