Shireen Muhiudeen
- IP Asia
Standing up to MNC misbehaviour
Two decades ago, foreign multi-national companies (MNCs) were sought after by investors in the region and generally speaking, their shares always traded at a premium. Before seeking these companies out, global asset allocators in the large foreign funds would start by looking for countries that showed the “correct fundamentals”. Such ...
- IP Asia
The chess game of related party transactions
A special relationship may be defined as one between members of a family, or between a director of a company who does business with another company that the same director steers.
- IP Asia
Credit rating - costly mistakes and their consequences
Astute investors then ask the big question: How much accountability do such agencies accept for their deliberations?
- IP Asia
When will the Maharlika open the gates for investors?
Seeking to be one of the main recipients of anticipated international capital flow to Asia, the Philippine Government is focused on promoting the Philippines as a prime investment destination.