Smart Beta – Page 3
Why 2016 made a monkey out of market-cap indices
Academic research pits passive benchmarks and smart beta against randomly generated stock indices
Study sheds light on smart beta transaction costs
Investors will be able to assess net returns arising from smart beta strategies through a new transaction cost measurement approach put forward by a research paper from EDHEC Risk Institute. Currently, smart beta providers do not routinely report transaction cost estimates for their strategies, and performance evaluation often relies on ...
AP funds struggling with investment restrictions, says AP2 CIO
Buffer funds’ risk taking should be controlled in ‘a more nuanced way’
HSBC UK pension scheme adopts climate 'tilted' fund as DC default
Fund targets better risk-adjusted returns, protection against climate change risks
EDHEC seeks to debunk Top 10 misconceptions of smart beta strategies
Smart beta does not generate alpha, says research institute in Top 10 mistaken claims list
Investors 'warming' to alternative ways of viewing portfolios – survey
Peer-group behaviour influential, with slow adoption of smart beta an obstacle
Hope for better returns piques interest in factor investing – survey
Focus switches from risk management to improving returns, BlackRock says
Pension funds step up hedge fund allocations as consultant use spreads
One in two investors to boost alternatives weighting this year, survey shows
France's Ircantec makes first foray into factor investing
French scheme awards smart beta, credit mandates
Smart beta growth hits 29%, as demand for minimum variance takes hold
Spence Johnson research shows passive minimum variance strategies growing in popularity
Mandate roundup: Dorset County, Wiltshire Pension Fund, Loomis Sayles
Dorset pension fund targets two managers for £480m in global active, smart-beta equity strategies
UK Railways Pension Scheme takes big strides in risk-factor equities
Dedicated team puts half of public equities in ‘smart beta’ strategies, with further moves on the agenda for 2015
Special Report
Focus Group: Pension funds get smart
The days of smart beta being all talk and no action in the pensions world are long gone
Special Report
Interview: James d'Ath, Indexx Markets
Indexx Markets’ James d’Ath talks about whether ‘smart alpha’ could strip out unwanted fund costs to deliver purified active management
Special Report
Smart beta: equities and beyond
As soon as one starts edging out of traditional asset classes, identifying market beta – let alone the ‘smart’ version –becomes more and more difficult
Special Report
Smart beta performance: Proving their worth
Real-market performance of three of the leading equity smart beta strategies shows these approaches have something worthwhile to offer
Special Report
Smart beta and currencies
In currency markets there is arguably no beta, but risk-factor trading has a long history in the asset class
Special Report
Smart beta factor investing: The long and short of it
True factor investing involves short as well as long positions, yet the costs of shorting erodes much of the benefits
Special Report
Smart beta: Smart enough for bonds?
Is smart beta more difficult to implement in fixed income?
Special Report
Smart beta and fixed income: Here for the duration
Smart beta would appear to make a lot of sense in fixed income, but market peculiarities can add complexity to many of the resulting products