All Special Report articles – Page 102
Special Report
Fiduciary/Delegation: Still life in the FoFs model
While relationships with funds of funds are evolving, Katharina Lichtner outlines the costs and dangers of going it alone in private equity
Special Report
Local supporter
Nina Röhrbein finds out how the Minneapolis-based Community Reinvestment Fund is helping to funnel capital into distressed urban communities
Special Report
Fiduciary/Delegation: Hedge fund beta: a cheap core portfolio?
If the trend is towards core-satellite hedge fund portfolios, what does that mean for resource budgeting? It is tempting to see this as a passive-active portfolio – why would an investor not wish to maximise her budget for the active part and minimise her budget for idiosyncratic risk, illiquidity risk and, of course, costs, in the passive part? This is the argument behind ‘hedge fund beta’ – investable indices, ETFs, super-diversified funds of funds and quantitative, hedge fund replicators.
Special Report
Portfolio Construction: Three Blind Mice
Accounting for fat tails of individual instruments is not the same as managing those tails at portfolio level. Svetlozar (Zari) Rachev and Georgi Mitov explore how advanced copulas might address the problem of fat tails, dependence models and portfolio risk
Special Report
Portfolio Construction: It’s the economy, stupid
Efforts to diversify have for too long assumed that we live in non-cyclical economies, and ignored the mix of economic factors that drive asset-class risk. Lynn Strongin Dodds takes a tour of some alternatives
Special Report
Portfolio Construction: Allocating risk, allocating time
Martin Steward talks to ex-FRR CIO Jean-Louis Nakamura about Lombard Odier’s volatility-driven allocation and its time-horizon tactical allocation process
Special Report
Portfolio Construction: A question of skill
The hedge fund world is supposed to be about skill. But Martin Steward asks, if you use a fund of funds, what skills are you buying – and whose?
Special Report
Portfolio Construction: The horrible handful
Raphael Douady outlines the top five investment risks that every investor in hedge funds should know about
Special Report
The environment factor
Nina Röhrbein reports on the progress of sustainable real estate
Special Report
Portfolio Construction: Broaden your horizons
On the hunt for truly diversified sources of risk, Martin Steward takes aim at different investment time horizons
Special Report
Thematic Investing: Variations on a theme
There are as many definitions of thematic investing as there are thematic investors. Martin Steward asks how significant themes really are as drivers of managers’ risk
Special Report
Thematic Investing: Themes or fads?
Thematic investing in public markets is often biased towards small-caps with emerging business models or technologies. But Joseph Mariathasan finds that the process does not translate smoothly into private equity
Special Report
Thematic Investing: Beloved, unloved cleantech
The market-wide sell-off, competition from Asia and the debacle at COP15 has put a dent in the cleantech theme for now, finds Nina Röhrbein. But this only makes the still robust long-term story look better value
Special Report
Thematic Investing: Specialists or generalists?
There is more to sector specialist long/short equity funds than systematic sector risk, finds Stephane Macresy
Special Report
Thematic Investing: Nothing gained?
Venture capital has limited capacity, lacklustre returns and a mysterious risk profile that does not reward diversification. Martin Steward tries to find a place for it in pension fund portfolios
Special Report
Liabilities & Matching Strategies: Stractical
There are several ways to make LDI implementation smarter, but practitioners differ significantly over whether or not these are tactical moves – and the extent to which they should deviate from the strategic de-risking journey plan. Martin Steward reports
Special Report
Liabilities & Matching Strategies: Bespoke fit, chainstore refund policy
The benefit that swaps bring to liability driven investing, of being able to create a bespoke hedge across almost the entire tenor of a scheme-specific liabilities curve, comes at a price: concentrated counterparty risk. The interbank market in swaps has not had to worry about that since 1999, when LCH.Clearnet ...
Special Report
Liabilities & Matching Strategies: More bedtime reading from ASB
Stephen Bouvier looks at the UK ASB’s latest recommendations on pension liability accounting, and how they fit with ongoing IASB efforts
Special Report
Liabilities & Matching Strategies: Inflation and pensions
Theo Kocken welcomes the recommendations of the Frijns Committee, which would bring the FTK in line with the effective ambitions of pension funds to provide indexed pensions