All Special Report articles – Page 111
Special Report
Changes in security services
Outsourcing has become an important issue for master KAGs but, as Heather McKenzie finds, it works both ways
Special Report
When does it stop being responsible?
IPE asked three pension funds in Italy, the Netherlands and Norway the same question: ‘What is your approach to exclusions and the screening of stocks?’ Here are their answers:
Special Report
Taking a view on the PERCO
France’s strong tradition of state-delivered pensions provision means the PERCO occupational pension saving approach will require a change in attitudes, say Jean Canel and Thierry de la Noue
Special Report
Mainstreaming responsible investment via sell side research: EAI three years on
The Enhanced Analytics Initiative was brought into being three years ago by institutional investors to promote and directly fund sell side research that takes account of long-term performance factors. Raj Thamotheram evaluates its progress
Special Report
Defining your portfolio’s values
Pressure from members and media reporting is encouraging funds to review their ESG policies. But the choices are not clear cut. Nina Röhrbein reports
Special Report
Ownership creates involvement
Stakeholders in defined benefit pension funds should redefine who exactly takes which risks, what constitutes solvency and who owns which part of it. Theo Kocken takes the baton in the first instalment in a series of discussion papers
Special Report
Filling a gap in the public sector
Contractual workers in the public sector lack the pension rights of their full time colleagues. George Coats finds a man on a mission to redress this imbalance
Special Report
Light touch regime
Belgium’s regulator tells George Coats about the thinking behind Belgium’s new pensions framework and how he will police it
Special Report
Introducing a new framework
Thierry Verkest explains the recent legislative and regulatory changes that have transformed Belgium’s pensions landscape, and outlines some of the continuing debates
Special Report
Learning to live with volatility
As pension funds adapt to a new regulatory structure and deal with market instability, asset managers are having to assess how funds may respond, writes Rachel Fixsen
Special Report
Fiduciary management
In the Netherlands, fiduciary management for pension funds has become common. According to a recent survey by the advisory firm KPMG, of the 80% of schemes with fully contracted out asset management, one third has a fiduciary manager. But funds that have already appointed a fiduciary manager may also appoint ...
Special Report
Investment consultants forum
Liam Kennedy spoke to senior figures from Hewitt, Mercer and Watson Wyatt about the new partnership-based relationships that they are forging with their clients
Special Report
Extra-financial coverage broadens
Extra-financial issues (EFIs), especially environmental issues, are receiving broader and more sophisticated research coverage, according to the seventh semi-annual Enhanced Analytics Initiative (EAI) evaluation. EAI chairman Peter Scales (pictured above) puts this down to increasing external pressure and the recognition by a growing number of financial institutions of a link ...
Special Report
Off the record: Bean counters called to account
Few issues have generated so much controversy among Europe’s corporate pension schemes as the application of international accounting standards (IAS). In Switzerland, the introduction of IAS19 has led pension lawyers to re-define Pensionskassen as defined contribution (DC) rather than defined benefit (DB) schemes in an effort to escape its provisions. In the Netherlands, industry-wide schemes have argued that the involvement of a large number of corporate sponsors has made the implementation of IAS19 impossible.
Special Report
UniSuper develops new risk budgeting
Richard Newell talks to David St John, chief investment officer of UniSuper, about hedge fund transparency and the fund's plan for a new SRI option