All Special Report articles – Page 90
Special Report
Extracting the true cost of gold
Institutional investors have been integral to the boom in gold prices over the past five years, but are they fully aware of the high-impact nature of their investments? Nina Röhrbein reports
Special Report
OTC Swaps Regulation: A new wave of bond repo?
With the arrival of EMIR, users of derivatives suddenly need to get their hands on a lot of cash. Cécile Sourbes asks if the biggest collateral-transformation market, repo, is up to the task
Special Report
German Asset Management: In the market for advice
Nina Röhrbein reviews trends in German institutional asset management, noting increasing demand for advice
Special Report
Commodities: Capturing risk premium
The risk of inflation hangs ominously over the heads of investors, so an active approach to commodity investing could be the way to maximise risk-adjusted returns, says Brent Bell
Special Report
Commodities: An American story
The shale revolution has taken the price of natural gas, a relatively clean fossil fuel, from $13/mbtu to $2/mbtu. How can it fail to challenge renewable energy? Nina Röhrbein reports
Special Report
Commodities: All hail the shale
The US natural gas revolution is not just an arcane energy issue. Martin Steward considers its potential to reverberate throughout the entire economy – and your portfolio
Special Report
Global assets flatline at €36.3trn
Asset managers in our listing are ranked by global asset sunder management, and by the country of the main headquarters and/or main European domicile. Assets managed by these groups are in excess of €36.3trn.
Special Report
Top 120 European institutional managers
This breakdown details total third-party asset managed for all types of European institutional clients - pension funds, insurance companies, corporates, charities and foundations - for the leading 120 managers in this business segment. Total assets are €5.4trn (2010=€5.7trn)
Special Report
The trouble with fracking
The full environmental impact of shale gas extraction is not known, so investors must engage with companies to make sure they are acting responsibly, says Nina Röhrbein
Special Report
DC in Europe: Look forward to payout time
UK pension schemes could offer members an enhanced payout phase experience through greater forward planning and tapping into the range of options available, finds Rachel Fixsen
Special Report
Commodities: Puffed-out dragon?
China’s slowing economy – and its longer-term transition away from investment-led growth – is raising questions about ongoing demand for commodities. But Martin Steward suggests that it’s too early to call time on the ‘supercycle’
Special Report
Commodities: Equities suffer from dematerialisation
Is recent share-price disappointment a sign of things to come in the extractive industries? Lynn Strongin Dodds finds mining becoming more expensive just as China, one of the biggest commodity markets, begins to reduce its demand
Special Report
Dc in Europe: Choice is not an easy option
It’s not enough to simply offer pension fund members a range of investment choices, finds Rachel Fixsen
Special Report
Risk Parity: Risk parity for pension schemes?
Gearing-up on bonds looks remarkably like LDI, notes Gwion Moore. So what does this tell us about the suitability of risk parity for an investor whose starting point is a significant short position in long-dated interest rates?
Special Report
Risk Parity: ‘Risk parity is not sufficient’
Martin Steward discusses the philosophy behind the risk-factor allocation approach adopted by Danish pension fund ATP with CIO Henrik Gade Jepsen – and the impact of a new risk environment on its strategy
Special Report
Risk Parity: Simple idea, complex questions
Brendan Maton asks what the track records of risk parity strategies can tell us about their suitability for new economic environments, and how they might fit into the thinking of European pension funds suitability for new economic environments, and how they might fit into the thinking of European pension funds
Special Report
Smart Beta: A smart beta taxonomy
Daniel Leveau and Des Morris categorise the alternative indexing universe and recommend that investors build diversified, smart-beta portfolios. By focusing on risk and return, they should achieve the desired results
Special Report
Smart Beta: Creating custom solutions
John Krieg discusses the findings of a survey of institutional investors’ changing perspectives on passive investing, and the growing use of customised beta strategies
Special Report
Smart Beta: How equal-weighting wins
Yuliya Plyakha, Raman Uppal and Grigory Vilkov discover a surprising crop of non-systematic alpha generated by the monthly rebalancing process
Special Report
Smart Beta: Debt and demographics
Investors should look for risk to be compensated by attractive premia. But Christoph Gort argues that market-cap weighted bond indices fail to deliver this. New index methodologies will allow for more efficient global bond investing