All articles by Stephen Bouvier – Page 18
IASB faces battle to reconcile divergent views on 'prudent' accounting
International Accounting Standards Board gets support for reintroduction of ‘prudence’ into conceptual framework
Financial stability impact of IFRS 9 'unknown', Draghi concedes
ECB chairman cites poor data quality, uncertainty over how capital regulation might change
MEPs reignite war of words over prudent accounting standards
ECON launches stinging attack on IFRS, IASB
Briefing: Form Filling
Technical breaches of rules on company dividend payments raise corporate governance issues for investors, finds Stephen Bouvier
FRC to 'expedite' pension fund accounting-disclosure changes
Financial Reporting Council presses ahead with changes to Statement of Recommended Practice
Pensions Accounting: A matching miss
The shift to a new accounting model was always going to be a challenge for the insurance sector. Until now, the International Accounting Standards Board has relied on a stopgap in the form of International Financial Reporting Standard 4, Insurance Contracts.
IASB discount-rate research shines spotlight on IAS 19 'anomalies'
IASB identifies extent to which fulfilment value measure in IAS 19 is discounted on basis with little or no underlying principle
European Parliament calls for comment on financial reporting standards
Parliament issues public call for comment on ECON report into International Financial Reporting Standards
Draft ECON report reveals softer line on international reporting standards
Report suggests Parliament has softened tone of rhetoric against International Financial Reporting Standards
IASB explores issues to include in discount-rate research paper
Project ‘not about’ imposing move to fair-value/risk-free discounting approach under IFRS
Pensions Accounting: Spot the discount rate
When the US telecoms giant AT&T announced last year that it planned to discount the interest component of its defined-benefit (DB) pension liability using a spot rate, it unleashed a storm of interest among US listed companies. At a stroke, companies stand to wipe billions of dollars off their pension provision costs.
LAPFF trades blows with EU accounting adviser in IFRS 9 row
War of words escalates between Local Authority Pension Fund Forum and European Financial Reporting Advisory Group
LAPFF presses FTSE companies to ignore ‘illegal’ FRC guidance
Local Authority Pension Fund Forum pens letter to all UK FTSE 350 companies
UK FRC blasts IASB 'wholly inadequate' prudent accounting standards
Long-standing critics of UK’s accounting body dismiss criticism as mere semantics
Briefing: Time for TEE?
The UK government is mulling over a massive shake-up of pensions tax relief in a bid to incentivise retirement savings
Pensions Accounting: Is it enough?
The bid of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to persuade the European Union to endorse International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (IFRS9) on financial instruments, remains controversial.
Industry sends IASB mixed messages on IFRIC 14, IAS 19 proposals
FRC expects UK-listed companies to pay heed to guidance in run-up to annual reporting season
Pensions Accounting: Sometime, never… maybe?
On 31 July, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU) addressing three aspects of pension-plan accounting.
Treasury must 'tread carefully' with pensions tax changes – advisers
Changes to taxation regime under consideration will fail to plug £9trn savings gap, KPMG warns
Pensions Accounting: A five-year plan
It’s that time again. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has just launched a public consultation on its work plan for the next three years