SWEDEN – The Swedish county council (Landstinget) of Västmanland has appointed Skandia-owned Carlson Investment Management to a global balanced mandate representing around SEK 50m (e5.2m) in assets.
The win comes on top of a reappointment for Carlson at the county council of Östergötland for a SEK200m global balanced portfolio – the third time Carlson has held on to the contract following an investment review.
Nils-Eric Gustavsson, head of finance at Västmanland, said the council had plumped for Carlson due to its global organisation structure as well as its extensive experience in asset management.
Lars Ågren, head of finance at Östergötland, comments: “We continue to use Carlson because we are very pleased with their services. Client service and performance are very important.”
The wins cap a fruitful summer for the Stockholm-based fund manager.
Since spring this year the firm has won a SEK 200m global balanced portfolio at Landstinget Kronoberg, as well as a similar brief for SEK160m at Danderyds kommun.
The firm also won a SEK48m Swedish balanced mandate from the local authority of Simrishamns
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