IPE - A Swiss corporate pension fund has tendered a $30m (€21m) mandate for emerging market investment-grade debt using IPE Quest.
The fund seeks active management and is open to manager suggestions for a suitable benchmark.
There will be no tracking error requirements for the mandate, listed under QN1201.
The fund exclusively seeks long-only investment managers.
Interested managers should have minimum $500m of assets under management and $100m in similar mandates.
Although the search is in US dollars, Swiss asset managers are welcome to apply.
Asset managers need a minimum two-year track record and preferably more than five years.
Interested parties should apply through IPE Quest by 29 July, stating performance, net of fees, to the end of June.
The IPE.com news team is unable to answer any further questions about IPE Quest tender notices to protect the interests of clients conducting the search. To obtain information direct from IPE Quest, please contact Jayna Vishram on +44 (0) 20 7261 4630 or email jayna.vishram@ipe-quest.com.
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