All Topics articles – Page 27
PFZW, PWRI resume merger talks despite economic climate
Dutch pension funds looking to finalise merger by January 2018
Financial Stability Board launches review of pension-fund engagement
Board to examine implementation of last year’s revised OECD corporate governance principles
UK lawmakers to review powers given to Pensions Regulator
Select committee to conduct further hearings on powers in wake of BHS collapse
Mercer: UK pension deficits deepen to 40% of sponsors’ market cap
Top 350 listed companies see pension gaps widen by one-third in five years
UK government actuary says solvency plan needed for LGPS schemes
‘Dry run’ actuarial report on public sector schemes flags up valuation inconsistencies
London councils set to merge pension funds
Councils push ahead with merger amid attempts to save £20m
Experts call for other solutions to UK’s woes as QE harms pensions
Ros Altmann says Bank of England statement ignores pensions impact
London CIV to hold over one-third of assets outside pooling structure
Pooling vehicle for London local authorities expects to see staffing levels double in coming years
Friday people roundup
Northern Trust, State Street, NIBC, Propertize, AXA Investment Managers, Jefferies, Deloitte
Denmark's ATP can push for central clearing exemption
European Securities and Markets Authority grants statutory pension fund exemption following request
UK pension funds uneasy with enlargement of quantitative easing
Decision by UK central bank to grow asset purchase programme causes concerns among industry
Pension fund for GPs to reduce managers, switch to passive investment
Cost-cutting effort will see SPH renegotiate number of mandates
Italian pension funds drop support for bank rescue fund Atlante 2
Association says casse di previdenza cannot give grants
Strathclyde tenders £250m EM debt mandate as part of strategy shift
UK’s largest local authority fund continues shift towards short-term enhanced-yield strategies
UK Pensions Regulator straddled with ‘irreconcilable, muddled’ objectives
Pensions Institute questions strength of regulatory framework
Wednesday people roundup [updated]
Kempen Capital Management UK, PwC, Muzinich & Co, Investec, Mobius Life, BlackRock, Aberdeen Asset Management, Transparency Task Force
Bavarian state pension fund to sue VW over emissions scandal
Bavarian state finance ministry confirms intention to sue German car manufacturer
Further PPF in-sourcing to focus on ‘buy and hold’ assets
UK lifeboat scheme plans to expand in-house management beyond current LDI strategy
KLM seeks to terminate 'unaffordable' contract with pilots scheme
Dutch airline says obligation to plug funding gap at pension fund has become ‘untenable’
LGPS in-house teams at 'same risk of failure' as asset managers
UBS GAM says lower-cost nature of in-house provision will not offset underperformance