NETHERLANDS - Anton van Nunen has joined Syntrus Achmea as director of strategic pension management and has given up his Dutch consulting business. His new position will see him act as a liaison between pension fund boards and Syntrus Achmea as a fiduciary manager.

Syntrus Achmea manages Dutch institutional assets of €52.4bn, according figures it provided to IPE for our forthcoming survey of Dutch institutional asset managers, and €57bn in total according to the firm. The firm is a specialist in administration and the management of the entire asset portfolios of smaller pension funds.

"Strategic pension management means developing the long term guidelines where pension funds should take advantage and taking views on markets," Van Nunen commented. "We can take a long-term view on markets and where the pension sector could profit. I will act as an ambassador between Syntrus Achmea and pension funds."

Van Nunen emphasised that stepping down from his Dutch consulting activities was a positive move and that he would continue to advise asset manager clients outside the Netherlands, such as in the UK and Italy.

"I closed down my Dutch business because I would not be independent any more. This is no way a defensive operation. I have been asked to take over this position because I can make a large contribution, to making Syntrus Achmea a major player."

Van Nunen is no stranger to Syntrus Achmea, currently under CEO Hans Snijders, having previously worked at Interpolis, which merged with PVF Achmea in 2008.

Syntrus Achmea recently won mandates for the administration for the €73m IKEA pension fund as well as that of BP's Dutch pension funds, with €670m in assets. At the beginning of 2011 it was awarded a mandate by Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland for administration and asset management for the pensions 4,000 public sector and healthcare workers on the Dutch Caribbean islands of Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius.
