All articles by Venilia Amorim – Page 9
Diversity Project launches world first career development programme
DEI remains a low priority for many pension trustee boards
ERAFP’s €300m equity mandate to be benchmarked to Scientific Beta’s climate index
Plus: Institutional investor seeks manager for €70m corporate bonds brief
UK roundup: WTW’s Lifesight selected as master trust provider for KBR
Plus: Merseyside scheme picks Redington as strategic investment adviser
Greenwashing needs to be understood to address misleading practices, says EFAMA
‘Intentionally misleading behaviour relating to sustainable investments should not be tolerated,’ says Anyve Arakelijan, EFAMA’s regulatory policy adviser
British Steel Pension Scheme completes £2bn buy-in with Legal & General
Plus: Amey pension fund in £400m buy-in deal with PIC
UK Net Zero Review pushes for greater policy and investment certainty
A recommendation is to use infrastructure to unlock net zero, including developing a cross-sectoral infrastructure strategy by 2025
UK roundup: Isio set to acquire Deloitte’s pensions business
Plus: DWP makes recommendations amid PPF review
UK retirees see 20% increase in expenditure due to high inflation, says association
PLSA updates Retirement Living Standards as inflation adds to cost of retirement
NatureAlpha provides asset owners access to biodiversity data
Collaborating with the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT) will allow for data to be integrated into biodiversity and nature metrics
Mercer research shows £35bn surplus for FTSE 350 pension schemes
The present value of liabilities fell from £627bn at 30 November 2022 to £595bn at the end of December 2022 driven by a rise in corporate bond yields
UK roundup: Church Commissioners commit £100m to impact investment
Plus: Gates schemes complete £132m buy-in deal with PIC
ERAFP awards €1.2bn in SRI credit bond mandates
The scheme has awarded the active mandates to AXA Investment Managers and FundLogic
Admin practicalities and costs block pensions progress, says Barnett Waddingham
Other barriers included a lack of impact on the scheme, a lack of knowledge or engagement, or concerns about giving members too much choice
LGPS Central seeks active emerging markets equity manager
The pool is looking for active managers that use a fundamental rather than quantitative approach
UK pensions regulator releases new DB funding code
‘The new funding code may be a double-edged sword for sponsoring companies,’ says Cardano Advisory
UK should take opportunity of delayed taxonomy to ‘get it right’, says IIGCC
‘The UK is now in a position to learn from these experiences and to ensure that the UK taxonomy is usable and has high integrity,’ says E3G
EIOPA’s first IORPs climate stress test shows material exposure to transition risks
The exercise focused on the asset portfolio of IORPs
UK roundup: Border to Coast reappoints Robeco for voting and engagement support
Plus: FTSE 350 pension scheme funding stabilises following Gilt market turmoil; Coats UK scheme completes buy-in with Aviva
UK launches consultation on NHS scheme’s proposed amended regulations
One of the proposals is an amendment to the member contribution structure to ensure general practitioners pay the correct contribution rate
Actuaries association chair calls for renewed focus on systemic risks
There is currently little system-wide information on the use by individual schemes of LDI strategies