UK – Watson Wyatt partner Mike Wadsworth has told IPE that he plans to leave the firm shortly.

“I am expecting to leave the firm in a few weeks,” he said. Regarding his future movements, he said he was “still working on various thoughts. Things aren’t set in stone yet.”

He is a well-known figure in the industry and has been a member of the partnership board of Watson Wyatt LLP. He is a graduate of Oxford University and a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries.

Wadsworth’s departure follows the acquisition of UK-based Watson Wyatt LLP by Watson Wyatt & Co. of the US which has seen partners gain substantial windfalls.

Wadsworth specialises in advice to financial institutions. His work includes the development of vehicles for defined contribution pensions, market entry studies for pension markets in continental Europe and annuity design.

He co-authored the ‘Reinventing Annuities’ paper in 2001. Other publications include ‘The Future of the Pension Annuity Market’ for the Association of British Insurers and ‘A Conceptual Framework for Retirement Products: Risk Sharing Arrangements between Providers and Retirees’ (jointly written with the World Bank).
