PGGM has been active in
the field of responsible
investment since 1985,
at that time focused on
exclusionary screens on
weapons and human rights. In
later years this has broadened to
activities on sustainable investment
and corporate governance,
among others best-in-class mandates
and voting.
In November 2006 the Board of
Trustees of PGGM approved the
Responsible Investment Policy
which lays down the principles
and activities on responsible
investment for the coming years.
This new Responsible Investment
Policy focuses on integration and
internalisation and forms an
integral part of our investment
We define responsible investment
as all investment activities
that take account of the impact of
environmental, social and corporate
governance (ESG) factors. By
integrating responsible investment
into our investment policy,
PGGM seeks to achieve a high
and stable return while respecting
the identity of the fund and
its participants.
PGGM cares about responsible
investment because it regards it
as a necessity; it is one of our core
investment beliefs. There are two
main reasons. First, responsible
investment is part of our fiduciary
duty. It contributes to a
high and stable yield, because
ESG factors have an impact on
the risk and return of our investments.
Furthermore, as a universal
investor, PGGM has an interest
in the quality and continuity
of the global investment universe.
Second, responsible investment
is part of PGGM's identity. PGGM
seeks to relate its investment policy
to the identity of the fund and
the norms and values of its beneficiaries.
a pension
fund has a clear
social responsibility
which is
also expressed
in its investment
must be seen
first and foremost
as an
aspect of our
fiduciary duty.
As a pension
fund, we have
a statutory
to invest the
assets in such a
way as to "preserve
the security,
and liquidity
of and the
return on the
fund as a
9.b.a. of
the Dutch Pensions and Savings
Funds Act). This requires the
fund to assess and manage all
foreseeable risk factors as effectively
as possible. If ESG factors
have a demonstrable impact on
the financial performance of the
investments, they have to be
analysed and taken into account
in the investment decision.
At the same time, PGGM sees
responsible investment as an
important expression of its identity.
Consequently, PGGM sets
minimum standards for the ethical
and social behaviour of the
companies and funds in which it
invests and its identity to some
extent dictates the agenda on
which, for example, dialogue is
conducted. Core themes within
the Responsible Investment Policy
are weapons, human rights,
health care and medicines, and
climate change.
Responsible investment is an
integral part of our investment
policy and activities. Core to our
policy is our fiduciary duty and
our identity. The concept of
responsible investment is still
evolving rapidly. As such, the
implementation of responsible
investment within PGGM will
also be evolutionary and a learning
process. Our activities need to
be auditable to our policy. We
accept that the results accruing
from responsible investment are
still difficult to measure and allocate,
yet we shall attempt to do
so. The focus is on activities
which are expected to have the
greatest impact.
Since the resources are by definition
limited, PGGM will in all
cases be selective, specific and
pragmatic. Cooperation with
other players in the market will
create synergy and increase
impact. Finally, we will report
transparently on our objectives,
operations and results, in the
interests of providing a clear picture
of our responsible investment
activities and their impact.
Perceiving sustainability to be
an integral part of our investment
policy, PGGM, in cooperation
with a large number of institutional
investors and at the invitation
of the United Nations,
drew up the principles for
Responsible Investment (PRI).
These Principles were formally
ratified by the UN and other signatories
in April 2006 and cosigned
by PGGM after approval
by its board of trustees.
PGGM has adopted the UN PRI
as a mandatory framework for its
activities in the field of responsible
investment. The principles
require investors to undertake
activities in six areas:
❏ Incorporate ESG issues into
investment analysis and decision-
making processes;
❏ Act as active owners and incorporate
ESG issues into ownership
policies and practices;
❏ Seek appropriate disclosure on
ESG issues by the entities in
which is invested;
❏ Promote acceptance and implementation
of the Principles
within the investment industry;
❏ Work together to enhance
effectiveness in implementing
the Principles;
❏ Report on activities and
progress towards implementing
the Principles.
The focus within our Responsible
Investment Policy is
on the following 10 areas:
❏ We will integrate ESG aspects
into our long-term active equities
portfolio. Within this portfolio
the assessment of the threats and
opportunities presented by ESG
factors will form an integral part
of the analysis of companies;
❏ Within our Portfolio of Strategies
(POS), we will select suitable
theme investments which generate
a social return and are consistent
with the criteria which POS
applies to identify suitable
❏ We will enter into a dialogue,
on a structural, systematic and
visible basis, with financial markets
and individual companies in
which we invest, with a view to
raising the standards of corporate
governance, internationally,
starting in Europe;.
❏ We will enter into a dialogue,
on a structural, systematic and
visible basis, with financial markets
and individual companies in
which we invest, with a view to
stimulating progress in environmental
and social issues which
relate to PGGM's identity;
❏ Our role as an active shareholder
will be supported by a
well-informed voting and voting
policy based on clear priorities.
We will develop a new more differentiated
voting policy,
whereby priorities will be carefully
set with reference to our
major holdings, impact and feasibility;
❏ We will develop a more specific
exclusions policy, under which
individual decisions will be made
on the exclusion of certain companies
on the basis of generic ethical
❏ We will enter into a dialogue
on responsible investment with
external managers. We will make
external managers aware of the
importance we attach to responsible
investment and will assess
their performance in this area,
amongst others by including specific
ESG questions in both our
assessment process and selection
process (RFP);
❏ We will encourage the development
of best practices in responsible
investment in emerging
markets at our external managers;
❏ We will develop responsible
investment principles and a monitoring
framework which will be
steering for our entire portfoli;
❏ We will externally report in a
clear and integral fashion on our
responsible investment activities.
What have we achieved to date?
We have recently started our
journey on integrating ESG issues
in our internal long-term equity
portfolio (LTEP). Within LTEP
opportunities and threats resulting
from ESG issues form an integral
part of the analysis of target
companies. Recently, a concrete
and substantial strategic investment
has been made where we
expect a corporate governance
catalyst to create substantial
value to our LTEP portfolio in a
timeframe of up to five years. ESG
factors have been fully integrated
in the analysis and decision-making
In recent years, we have
launched some targeted ESG
investments. PGGM has, for
example, invested €200m in the
FTSE4Good Europe index. This is
a passive ‘best-in-class' strategy
in which companies with an
above average sustainability
score are included in the index.
The fund then invests in the
entire index. PGGM has furthermore
invested €180m in the Hermes
European Focus Fund. The
investment philosophy of this
fund is that additional return will
be created by engaging actively
with companies in the fund
selected on amongst others corporate
governance issues. PGGM
has also invested in a fund that
invests in on-shore wind farms in
western Europe.
PGGM has furthermore committed
€250m to Climate Change
Capital Carbon Fund II. This fund
invests in projects that reduce
CO2 emissions. We have committed
€250m to Albright Capital
Management for a long term,
multi-asset class, investment in
emerging markets. PGGM
becomes a strategic investor to
the fund. The objective of the
fund is to improve results by integrating
global citizenship, good
corporate governance, socially
responsible policies, and transparency
into a comprehensive
emerging markets investment
program. Finally, PGGM has
decided to commit €250m to a
sustainable energy private equity
Transparency and accountability
are key elements of
good corporate governance.
PGGM believes that
long-term value is created by
the improvement of corporate
governance of companies it
invests in. For this reason
PGGM has been one of the initiators
of and plays an active
role in Eumedion, the Dutch
organisation of institutional
investors on good corporate
governance. Within Eumedion
we work closely with others to
develop best practices.
In 2006 Eumedion, for example,
published a new recommendation
on executive remuneration.
According to the Dutch Monitoring
Commission Corporate Governance
Code that reports to the
Dutch government, 2006 saw significant
improvements in the
corporate governance of Dutch
listed companies. This can be
attributed to some extent to the
work of Eumedion. Internationally,
PGGM participates amongst
others in corporate governance
networks such as the GIGN
(Global Institutional Governance
Network) and the ICGN (International
Corporate Governance
PGGM promotes sustainable
development and corporate governance
using the instrument of
‘engagement'. For this purpose,
F&C, on PGGM's request, applies
its Responsible Engagement
Overlay to our entire equity portfolio.
F&C enters into a dialogue
with companies in which PGGM
invests, with the objective to
incite improvements in the areas
of human rights, environment,
corporate governance and social
conditions. For instance, F&C
urged an important group of
companies to better outline the
risks of HIV/Aids in Africa and
develop preventive strategies. On
our website, quarterly reports are
available on these activities by
F&C for PGGM.
To internationally achieve
higher corporate governance
standards, PGGM, together with
several other institutional
investors, has started a dialogue
with the supervisor of capital
markets in the US, the Securities
Exchange Commission (SEC). We
have pleaded for regulations
which would force listed companies
in the US to be more transparent
on their remuneration
policy. These actions directly
resulted in a concrete response.
The new directives published
by the SEC in late summer of
2006, oblige companies to
provide better explanation and
more transparency on their
remuneration policy.
Furthermore, PGGM engaged
in activities to enlarge the
rights of shareholders in the
US. Finally, for the third consecutive
year, PGGM supported
the Carbon Disclosure Project
(CDP). PGGM has signed a letter
which requests companies
globally to report on the way
they reduce carbon emissions.
Voting is an important instrument
to improve the corporate
governance of the companies we
invest in. It is moreover an
important shareholder right.
To steer its voting, PGGM has
developed and published voting
guidelines. These are part of the
PGGM Code of Corporate Governance.
PGGM votes at AGMs of
listed companies by visiting these
AGMs, giving power of attorney
to peers within, for example, the
Eumedion network, or by proxy
voting. In 2006, PGGM, or by
power of attorney one of its
peers, visited 21 AGMs in The
Netherlands. Globally, we
voted at 948 AGMs by proxy. We
fully disclose our voting on our
Last year we again applied our
exclusionary criteria to our entire
portfolio. We screen companies
on substantial involvement in
weapons sales or productions
and/or involvement in human
rights abuses. In weapons sales
we have, for example, excluded
some 50 companies from investment.
We have furthermore
developed and applied a framework
to assess the ESG risks of
specialised investment houses.
PGGM is currently reviewing its
exclusions policy and in progress
of developing a more differentiated
and substantial Exclusions
Policy to be implemented in
2007. This new policy will be
more closely aligned with our
In 2006, we started a dialogue
on responsible investment
with our external asset managers.
In the assessment framework
and in the selection process
of external asset managers, particular
ESG related questions are
defined which are taken into
account in our decision-making
process. In addition, PGGM has
addressed some of its external
asset managers on the role they
play regarding the remuneration
policy of companies in the US.
Furthermore, PGGM is one of the
founders of and participants in
the ‘Enhanced Analytics Initiative'
(EAI). The EAI encourages
brokers and research organisations
to provide better research
on ‘extra-financial' issues, like
ESG themes.
Responsible Investment has
been structurally embedded in
the management reports in 2006,
and it is now part of our Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs). In
addition it has become an integral
part of our reporting. Finally,
the former departments Corporate
Governance and Sustainable
Investment have been integrated
in the new department responsible
We are not there yet, but we
think we have made considerable
progress in 2006 and are adding
value to our beneficiaries by
slowly and prudently integrating
ESG factors in our entire investment
process. We are furthermore
in progress of developing a
new exclusions policy, engagement
policy, new corporate governance
principles and a new voting
policy & guidelines.
Much more work still needs to
be done. This is why PGGM is
expanding its responsible investment
department to five professionals
in 2007. The department
works closely together with other
departments that have there own
responsible investment targets.
Key focus for the responsible
investment team for the coming
year will be on the integration of
ESG issues in differentiated
investment products, informed
voting across our entire portfolio
of listed equities, targeted ESG
engagement, and transparent
reporting on our responsible
investment achievements to our
Marcel Jeucken is head of
responsible investments at PGGM.
He was formerly head of
institutional relations at Dutch
Sustainability Research, (DSR) and
sales and marketing director at the
Sustainable Investment Research
International Company (SiRi)
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