**New Chief Executive at Cazenove**
UK – Andrew Ross has been named as new chief executive of London based Cazenove Fund Management.
Ross was previously chief executive at HSBC Asset Management (Europe).

**Northern Trust has new Nordic head**
US / UK- Anne Lise Winge has joined Northern Trust as head of new business development for the Nordic region.
She worked most recently employed as vice president and senior customer relations officer for Clearstream Banking in Luxembourg, where she also had responsibility for the Nordic area.

**Powers joins Old Mutual**
US – Scott F. Powers has been appointed chief executive officer of US based Old Mutual (US) Holdings Inc, the US holding company of Old Mutual.
He will have specific responsibility for US asset management business and joins from Mellon Institutional Asset Management, where he is executive vice president of sales.

**Friends Ivory & Sime appoints new US equity head**
UK – Friends Ivory & Sime has appointed Peter Kaye director and head of US equities to its London based US fund management team.
He will also be responsible for market analysis and asset allocation and joins from Merrill Lynch Investment Managers, where he was similarly employed.

**Swiss Life has two new players**
UK – Swiss Life Asset Management (UK) has made the following London based appointments.
Bethell Codrington has joined as associate director of managed fund sales, having previously worked as managing director at F E Wright.
Bridget Bentall has been promoted inhouse to client relations manager. She has been at Swiss Life for 12 years.

**State Street has new credit analyst**
UK – State Street Global Advisors has appointed Esperanza Duncan as a credit analyst to its fixed income team in London.
She will be responsible for European corporate bond analysis and joins from JP Morgan.

**Scottish Widows adds two more**
UK – Scottish Widows Investment Partnership has made to new appointments.
Graeme Caughey joins as investment manager in the global bonds and economics team. He was previously employed at Morley Fund Management as UK gilts manager.
Bill Blair joins as senior member of the UK and European research team. Blair joins from Nomura International, where he was a key member of the UK and smaller/mid caps team.

**Gibson moves to Hogg Robinson**
Chris Gibson is joining Hogg Robinson, the specialist provider of outsourcing and consultancy products to UK and international clients, as a tax director with responsibility for global tax affairs. Key objectivesinclude ensuring compliance with tax legislation, both in the UK andinternationally and to identify and implement tax efficient opportunitiesfor the company.

**Gartmore appoints new board director**
Cyman Davies has been appointed board member at Gartmore Capital Strategy Fund Limited, the Jersey based and registered open-ended investment company. Davies is qualified as an English Barrister and Jersey advocate and
extensive experience in trust and mutual fund work including retail and private equity funds.

**Abelow joind Omgeo board**
Bradley Abelow, managing director of global operations at Goldman Sachs, has been appointed to the board of Omgeo, the joint venture between the Depositary Trust &
Clearing Corporation and Thompson Financial

**PIFC promotes three**
PIFC Benefits Consultants has appointed Vanda Cox, Mark Howlett and Georgia Bignell to the board. Cox will become corporate development director, Howlett will become financial planning director while Bignell is to become
compliance director.