The EU’s committee of pensions supervisors has signalled further supervisory “attention” on occupational pension schemes.
“In the light of the economic importance of occupational pension funds, and their
potential influence on financial stability, occupational pensions supervision will require increased attention by supervisors and may call for further developments in the applicable solvency regimes and in supervisory practices,” the CEIOPS committee, states.
The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors made the comment in its annual report for 2004. Apart from occupational pensions, the committee’s core issue is the so-called Solvency II solvency rules for insurers.
It added that its permanent Occupational Pensions Committee – headed by Mihaly Erdos of Hungary – has been currently consulting on a draft protocol to aid supervisory coordination in the light of the EU’s occupational pensions directive (see feature page 20).
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