EUROPE – The European pensions supervisory committee CEIOPS wants to serve as a focus for debating issues that impact occupational pension supervision from other sectors, such as hedge funds.
“CEIOPS should serve as the lead forum for discussing any issue that might directly or indirectly affect the supervision of insurance, reinsurance or occupational pensions within the EU,” the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors said.
“This also includes supervisory issues that spill over from other financial sectors, having an effect on insurance and occupational pension supervision (e.g. hedge funds, credit risk transfer etc.).”
CEIOPS is already undertaking a survey on the use of hedge funds in structuring unit-linked life insurance products.
CEIOPS, in its draft medium term work plan, also said it plans to assume the function of a “thinktank” in the area of insurance and pensions supervision. It plans a chat room on its website.
It said the increased use of derivatives and private equity by pension funds and insurances were examples in this context.
The Committee is already in contact with the International Association of Insurance Supervisors and the International Organisation of Pensions Supervisors.
It also has close relations with US and Swiss supervisors – and plans to contact supervisors in China.
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