FRANKFURT - European index provider iBoxx is to launch a series of liquid indices to join its portfolio of bond indices. The series will comprise 25 indices, covering only a small number of highly-liquid bonds. This should reduce tracking and hedging cost for banks setting up products on the indices.
The indices are designed to appeal to institutional investors, such as asset managers and investment banks, and to serve as benchmark indices in the trading and evaluation of investments in securities. They will offer a basis for exchange-traded and over-the-counter derivatives as well as exchange-traded funds.
Initially there will be 25 indices comprising euro-denominated corporate bonds, government bonds and sub-sovereigns, but there are plans to gradually expand the series.
Strict criteria is being applied to the new indices in terms of outstanding amount, maturity and rating.
The index will be launched at the end of October.
IBoxx is a joint venture between ABN AMRO, Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Deustche Bank, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Morgan Stanley, UBS Warburg and Deustche Boerse.
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