EUROPE – The so-called 26th regime for pan-European pensions is set to be discussed in a meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels next week.
The European Parliamentary Pension Forum is hosting the event on Tuesday December 6 from 12.00 to 14.00.
The idea to create a 26th regime for pan-European pension provisions, which can exist alongside the current 25 legal structures for pension provision in the 25 member states was presented by the European Financial Services Roundtable (EFR) in autumn last year.
The European Commission has announced a feasibility study on 26th regimes and the EFR is to present a new report on the matter this month.
The session is open to MEPs and stakeholders.
Speakers include EPPF chair Ieke van den Burg, ING Global Pensions’ Violeta Ciurel, who chairs the EFR’s Pension committee, the European Federation for Retirement Provision’s Chris Verhaegen and Daniel Schanté, director-general of CEA, Federation of National Insurance Associations.
Other speakers include the CEA’s Gérard Ménéroud and MEP Othmar Karas.
Please register by December 5 by email to
The meeting takes place in room PHS 1A (Anna Lindt room) in the Parliament (Brussels). A sandwich lunch will be served from 11.30 onwards.
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