SWEDEN – Finansinspektion (FI), the Swedish financial supervisory authority, is seeking to sharpen its regulation of the country’s financial market by re-organising its structure in the autumn.
The authority says it wants to refine its fund supervision abilities and control of the market.

Under the restructuring, the market supervisory department will be responsible for transaction revision and FI’s insider register.
It will also investigate all illicit insider deals and stock value manipulation incidents.
The department will regulate the Stockholm Exchange, authorised market places, the securities registry (VPC) and the bank giro centre.

Similarly, securities institutions will fall under the regulation of the banking department The insurance and funds department will take over the responsibility for operational risks, including internet technology risks.

The re-organisation of FI aims at controlling the ever-growing financial markets in a more efficient way, says the authority. The new structure also anticipates possible changes in the pan-European securities market.